"Four Faces" received the Best of Show award at the Heartland Artists 24th Annual Juried Exhibit.
"Memories" won Best 2-D Work at Art Comp 2010
"The Visitor" won an honorable mention award in the Chesterton Women's Club 62nd Annual Art Show
"Strength in Many" received a purchase award from patron Joe Greenlee at the 34th Elkhart Juried Regional Exhibition.
This piece, "Art Glass" won a merit award at Art Comp's Biennial Juried Art Competition AND the Golden Colors Award at the Chicago Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition.
"Choices" won the Judges Award in the 2012 Northern Indiana Pastel Society Member's Exhibit
"Deer Creek" received first place honors at the Chesterton Women's Club 61st Annual Art Show.
This piece, "Angela" received an Honorable Mention at the Chesterton Women's Club 61st Annual Art Show
"After School Practice" won 3rd place in the Hobarts Arts League 5th Annual Juried Art Exhibit.